“There was a mysterious crime in El Rialto”: Popular palaces and urban cinema space in Cartagena in the sixties. Social and educational perspective.





Urban space of cinema, Cinematographic censorship, Cinematographic billboard, Theater or popular palaces, Neighborhoods


Theaters, censorship and cinematographic billboards are the three coordinates that guide this article and try to account for what the neighborhood life of cinema in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia meant. The experience of the different ways of being together (Rosas Mantecón, 2017) in the cinema marked by tensions, changes, novelties, disputes, agreements and expectations is addressed. The concept of urban space of the cinema (Leal, Flórez and Barraza, 2003) serves to analyze the previous aspects by virtue of what happened in the neighborhood cinemas as a symbolic charge given in the massive attendance to the films and the relations that were there. formed. In this way, in the experience studied, the practical life around the cinematographic spectacle staged in cinemas is relevant; intergenerational conflicts and symbolic disputes and the paradoxes that occurred in film censorship; and, the social changes that were reflected in the reconfiguration of the cinematographic billboard and its debates in public opinion.


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2023-12-26 — Updated on 2024-06-25





How to Cite

“There was a mysterious crime in El Rialto”: Popular palaces and urban cinema space in Cartagena in the sixties. Social and educational perspective. (2024). Academia & Derecho, 16(27). https://doi.org/10.18041/2215-8944/academia.27.11224 (Original work published 2023)