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Notes on convergences between social and human development: approaches towards an integrating vision


  • Alex Felipe Saza Quintero Universidad Surcolombiana
  • Willian Sierra-Barón Universidad Surcolombiana
  • Julieth Milena Rincón Perdomo Universidad Surcolombiana



social development, human development, human development index, capabilities


Social development and human development promote the search and creation of possibilities and options for people and communities in order to obtain well-being and a better quality of life. This article presents a review of available scientific literature that allows us to understand possible convergences between the notions of social and human development within the framework of the orientations of the global public agenda. A review of the literature published from January 1990 to July 2023 was carried out. A search was carried out in the SCOPUS and WOS databases using an extensive search strategy. 380 eligible records were found by title and abstract, 230 were excluded as they did not meet the inclusion criteria and 24 documents were finally taken into account. This review shows that the concept of development has evolved in the last seven decades, the conception of basic needs, the measurement indices and the conception of freedom have been related between social development and human development.


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How to Cite

Notes on convergences between social and human development: approaches towards an integrating vision (A. F. Saza Quintero, W. Sierra-Barón, & J. M. Rincón Perdomo , Trans.). (2023). Academia & Derecho, 16(27).

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