Elements for a constitutional doctrine of biocultural rights: theoretical and legal foundations
Biocultural rights, biocultural diversity, rights of nature, Indigenous Peoples' rights, right to a healthy environment, internationalAbstract
In judgment T-622 of 2016, the Constitutional Court recognized the Atrato River as a legal entity, adopting biocultural rights as a framework to ensure the protection of biocultural diversity, understood as a coevolutionary system between the environment and communities with unique identity relationships with the territory. This has led to the development of new jurisprudence on the rights of nature in Colombia. However, there is still a lack of literature analyzing the theoretical, legal, and jurisprudential foundations, both at the international and inter-American levels, addressing the conceptualization of biocultural rights for judicial practice and the development of constitutional doctrine on these rights. Thus, the article aims to analytically reconstruct two dimensions of the content of these rights. On one hand, it presents the theoretical elements and practical dimensions of each of these approaches for the protection not only of humans and their environments separately but also of the constitutive relationships between humans and biodiversity and nature in general. On the other hand, it is suggested that this progress aligns with a broader perspective of the connection between communities and their territories. This perspective has evolved from international regulations related to biodiversity, traditional knowledge, and genetic resources, international human rights law, and recent decisions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights regarding the right to a healthy environment and the territorial rights of "indigenous and tribal peoples."
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