The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Legal Impact, Economic and Social forAgricultural MSMEs colombian
Analysis of education, University teaching, Industrialization, Agricultural economicsAbstract
This research is part of the doctoral work, carrying out a theoretical review of the competencies in economic and administrative sciences, demanded by the Colombian agricultural MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises) under the fourth industrial revolution. For this purpose, a qualitative approach with a descriptive scope was adopted. In this sense, an exhaustive search was carried out in recognized academic search engines in Spanish and English, such as Scopus, Researchgate, Scielo and Springer, among others, in order to compile various resources such as scientific dissemination articles, statistical notebooks, reports of international and national organizations. This broad search made it possible to obtain a wide variety of sources relevant to the analysis.
The information collected was then examined using ATLAS.ti software, which facilitates qualitative data analysis. With the help of this software, an exploratory analysis of the identified categories was carried out, focusing especially on those that registered a higher frequency. Likewise, a network analysis was performed to identify the interconnections and relationships between the different competencies identified in the literature reviewed. These analyses provided a deeper and more detailed vision of the transversal competencies demanded in the field of economics and administrative sciences, thus allowing significant and relevant conclusions to be drawn.
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