Actuarialismo penitenciario en américa latina
“Actuarialismo”, welfare state, prison system, criminal, riskAbstract
The transformations that occurred in the world in the 60’s of the 20th century in terms of political, social
and economic matters created new dynamics and doctrinal concepts. As a result, it is clear to see the shift
from a welfare state to a more open state that would allow more participation of private companies; such
situation is typical of the new economic neoliberal model which at the same time transfers governmental
responsibility to other entities such as the inter governmental and nongovernmental organizations, and
transnational corporations willing to provide solutions to the community’s different groups’ issues. Security
is one of them and has been the field of more transcendence within the states, especially the case study
discussed here the prison system, which shows how the “actuarismo” has substantially influenced the
different prison systems particularly in Latin America.
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