Éxito del Coaching ligado al rol del coach-Parte I-
Coaching, Process, Roles, Competition, GoalsAbstract
This article is part of the exploratory phase of the research project "Éxito del coaching ligado al rol del coach", in which the current importance of implementing a program of coaching as a process in organizations, similarly revised the concept Coaching,Coaching classes and their respective differences with the sports coaching, finally it includes the reported findings of research under this phase.
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How to Cite
U. Libre, A. (2018). Éxito del Coaching ligado al rol del coach-Parte I-. Perfiles Gerenciales. El Ser Humano detrás Del Empresario, 5(1), 26-32. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/per_ger_humano/article/view/4499