Universities and Companies of the Solidary Sector Vallecaucano Joined To Support the Peace Agreements


  • María Camila López Pacheco Universidad Libre
  • Julieth Fernanda Manzano García Universidad Libre


Peace Process, solidarity economy, region Pacífica


The objective of this article is to penetrate and to understand that the peace agreements are a challenge for the Colombian population in its entirety, which must be approached from any perspective of possible help. Delimiting the field of development it will be investigated on what it is happening in the Pacific region of the country. Additional, the end of this article is to be able to know the plans and projects that have developed the different companies and universities of this zone that possesses hydrographic, ecological, mining and forest wealth; doing necessarily to highlight that from the base of the solidary Colombian economy, it is possible to help in great way to complement the strategy that is woven in the agreed agreements.


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Polimétrica en alianza con Cifras & Conceptos. (23 de 09 de 2016). Caracol Radio . Obtenido de Red + Noticias: https:/ /drive.google.com/file/d/OByvFYxFEUt- 1qU3hLZEg2XORIRkU/view

Reporteros Asociados. (28 de agosto de 2016). ReporterosAsociédos. Obtenido de Ecrnémcas: h t t p : / / www. r e p o r t e r o s a s o c i a d o s . c o m . co /2016 /08 /pi an-naci onal-de-economi a-so lid ari a-contemplado-en-acuerdos-de-paz-sera-clave-para- desarrollo-rural-mintrabajo /




How to Cite

López Pacheco, M. C., & Manzano García, J. F. (2018). Universities and Companies of the Solidary Sector Vallecaucano Joined To Support the Peace Agreements. Perfiles Gerenciales. Gestión Social Y Solidaria, 5(2), 23-26. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/per_ger_gestion/article/view/4557