Solidaritv organizations ofthe caribbean region in colombia


  • Angie Katherine Perdomo Trujillo Universidad Libre
  • Diana Lisceth Ayala Guerrero Universidad Libre
  • Luisa Fernando Páez Gonzalez Universidad Libre
  • Victor Julio Vivas Urbano Universidad Libre


solidarity companies, Caribbean region, need of the people, positive change


The objective of this article is to show the contribution of solidarity organizations in Colombia, especially in the Caribbean region and how that companies helps the people to acquire and aggregate values determined on the need of the people within them; it is noteworthy that the percentage of solidarity companies is on an increase that is slow but ensuring a good future far these organizations, indicat-ing that since the completion of this article, the percentage of companies has in-creased considerably and the Caribbean region has seen a positive change that will be influenced by the different political variables that we have been unleashed in this year 2016.


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Ministerio de Trabajo (2014). lnfor-me de Gestión: Organizaciones so-lidarias. Recuperado de http:/ /informe_gestion_2012_organizaciones_ solidarias.pdf

Asociación Colombiana de Coope-rativas. ASCOOP: Cooperativismo Colombiano. Extraído de http:/ / cooperativismo-siempre / cooperativismo-colombiano /resena-del-cooperativismo- en-colombia

lnter American Foundation. lnter american: Portafolio de países - Co-lombia. Extraído de sh.iaf. gov /nuestro-trabajo/donde-trabajamos/portafolio- por-pa-s/colombia

Fundación Restrepo Barco. FRB: programas de desarrollo en Colom-bia. Recuperado de http:/ / actuamos

Unidad Administrativa Especial de Organizaciones Solidarias. Organi-zaciones solidarias. Extraído de


