Axiological and attitudinal competences on ethics in the development of the curricula of law programmes in the universities of Santander
Lawyer, Decorum, Vocational training, Tuning Project, UniversitiesAbstract
The problem: for decades, Colombia has arisen for a fact that it is the sophistry of the meaningful evaluation that is given to the lawyers, and that comes from a judgment a priori that it is derived from a hypothesis to a practice indecent, according to this premise is taken from the vocational training since the beginning, where it arises the correlation moral, Academia, and state that forces through legislation to dictate chairs of ethics from the moment that he decided to study law. Political and social sciences, in addition, this research project offers a parallel comparison of units in hours of training in ethics issues or in competencies and / or results of ethics training in the preparation of a future professional lawyer. Objective: To define the competences in the field of ethics in the curricula of the legal programs of the faculties of law of the Department of Santander
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