Legal relationship of vendors not recognized as commercial users of public market squares with the municipal mayor of Bucaramanga
Labor Relations, Market Place, Merchant Users, SellersAbstract
The Colombian State is based on respect and application of fundamental rights, such as human dignity, work and equality. What happens is an obligation of the public authorities to guarantee dignified conditions and in compliance with the constitutional framework. What it infers, that the public squares, object of investigation. It has a regulation, protected by the Magna Carta and delegated to the mayors.
It should be noted that the lack of rigorous control in the assigned positions and responsibility of the mayor's office, entails the affectation of some rights, especially, the efficiency of the administration. Apart from this, it has allowed the lack of affectation of progressivity. Caused the deterioration of infrastructures, where the beneficiaries are those who work there and therefore those who consume these services.
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