The resolutive condition in the field of Colombian labor law




Right to work, favourable condition, favourable condition of work, employment, job stability


The Colombian legal system considers that there should be a conditional obligation on those contracts in which the parties agree mutually, this condition depends on a future or uncertain event. Within which is the operative condition, this condition was created and applied in civil and commercial law , however, it has become important in the field of labor law.

Which is why it is very important to study the incidence of the operative condition in employment contracts, whatever that breach of the agreed obligation involves the payment of compensation. However, the payment of such compensation sometimes not repair the damage caused by breach of the agreement in the employment contract.

We studied the topic, about the operative condition as a consequence of the breach of the agreed, we analyzed if the payment of such compensation effectively cover lost profits and damages caused to the dismissed worker without just cause. Similarly it was determined whether the conditions precedent violates the constitutional principle of job stability



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Constitución Política de Colombia. [Const]. Art 13. 25 y 53Julio 7 de 1991 (Colombia).

Código Civil Colombiano [CCC]. Ley 57 de 1887. Art. 1546. Abril 15 de 1887 (Colombia)
Código Sustantivo del Trabajo Colombiano [CST]. Ley 789 de 2002. Art. 64. Diciembre 27 de 2002 (Colombia)

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Órganos internacionales

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Publicaciones electrónicas:

La ley, el Angulo legal de la noticia. (10 de agosto de 2015). Recuperado el 30 de noviembre de 2015, de

Romero, J. M. (s.f.). Recuperado el 30 de noviembre de 2015, de

Economía y Negocios. Por primera vez en cuatro años, los colombianos tomaron menos crédito. El Tiempo, Diciembre 1, 2009. Recuperado de




How to Cite

CASTRO ÁLVAREZ, M. A., & RANGEL GARZA, K. J. (2018). The resolutive condition in the field of Colombian labor law. Ius Praxis, 2(2), 159-173.