The effectiveness of the "Law on victims and land restitution" from its issuance, case: Municipality of Chima, Santander; as one of the municipalities affected by violence in Colombia




Victims, Repair Victims' Law


The armed conflict in Colombia is undeniable, currently the world has its eyes directly on this country because the peace process that FARC and Santos government comes happening, however Colombians have endured the scourge of violence for fifty long years during which every corner of the country, cities and municipalities have supported the civil casualties, the economic consequences and any changes resulting from the conflict. The municipality of Chima in the Department of Santander, hasn’t been immune to this, because its population has been directly affected by armed groups like "Guerrillas and Paramilitaries", and especially during the years 1993-2003 was a very violent time, during which time many were resulted victims about different events such as forced displacement, homicide, Threats, Terrorist Attack, forced disappearances and crimes against freedom and sexual integrity. Heeding the fact that the Colombian government issued the Law 1448 just to take care measures, and comprehensive assistance and repair the victims of the internal armed conflict, it was considered important to address this issue in order to determine the effectiveness of the same in the municipality. Thus, by analyzing the regulations and case law that systematize the scheme of assistance to victims of armed conflict in Colombia achieve the description of the effectiveness of the implementation of Law 1448 of 2011 within the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Santander Chima, against people who have been recognized by their status as victims, by the Unit for Attention and Reparation for Victims


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How to Cite

The effectiveness of the "Law on victims and land restitution" from its issuance, case: Municipality of Chima, Santander; as one of the municipalities affected by violence in Colombia. (2018). Ius Praxis, 2(2), 55-64.