Analysis of the right of the worker to the endowment in the trial period in Colombia


  • María Celina Delgado Gómez
  • Sandra Rocío Pinto Fonseca
  • Fernando Supelano Benítez


Labor allocation, Probation, Occupational hazards


This article aims to explore the worker's right to the provision when this is in the trial period, which is not referred to in Article 230 and following of the Labour Code, which regulates law concerning the endowment. The aim is to argue that such a rule is limited in scope because the fix in three months the work period to qualify endowment generates ignorance of the constitutional principle of equality and establishes conditions of uncertainty and risk to the worker


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How to Cite

Delgado Gómez, M. C., Pinto Fonseca, S. R., & Supelano Benítez, F. (2018). Analysis of the right of the worker to the endowment in the trial period in Colombia. Ius Praxis, 2(1), 151-162.