Limits to the power to reform the constitution in the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court form judgment c 551 of 2003


  • Richard Alexander Hernández Vargas
  • María Alejandra Salazar Ortiz


Constitutional Reform, Judgment C-551-2003, Power of reform, Constitutional Court


The Constitutions are the legal, political, and social order of a State, because the Constitutions must be the reflection of the social reality of a country systematized in normativity. "It has been said precisely that the State does not have a Constitution, but that it is a Constitution, because it is the Political Constitution that organizes the exercise of power" (Olano, 2000, p.57). As Albendea Pabón (1997) states: "The supremacy of the Constitution over the rest of the legal system is the reason why it is generally rigid and written" (page 115). For the Colombian Constitution is known as rigid in the sense that it only admits three mechanisms of reform, this is by Legislative Act, by convocation of a Constituent Assembly or by Constitutional Referendum (Article 374), but by evidencing the large number of reforms that it has had since 1991 to date, it is understood that it is a Political Constitution that has been adapted to the social reality lived by the country, and that the rigidity of it is in the process of reform. The previous idea is also shared by the Author Sierra Porto (1998) in his book "The Reform of the Constitution" where he argues that: "The Colombian Constitution is framed within the rigid Political Constitutions, among others, by the requirements in the process of reform "(p.92)


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How to Cite

Hernández Vargas, R. A., & Salazar Ortiz, M. A. (2018). Limits to the power to reform the constitution in the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court form judgment c 551 of 2003. Ius Praxis, 2(1), 133-149.