Jurisdiction of job stability reinforced for health reasons


  • Louis Del Guercio Ospino


Disability, Deficiency, Labor Capacity, Limitation, Jurisdiction


The honorable constitutional court of Colombia in its line of jurisprudence developed the forum of labor stability reinforced for reasons of health, in which a worker who is physically limited, psychologically, must remain in his workplace due to his health condition, of which The employer must request an authorization from the special labor office of its jurisdiction, as established by law 361 of 1997, article 26, in order to request the termination of the work contract. If the permit is not requested, the termination of the contract is ineffective, and may be immersed in a judge to protect the worker's fundamental rights.


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Plazas M, (2014). La Nueva Practica Laboral 2014. Bogotá.

Quintero, (2014). Debilidad manifiesta.ÁmbitoJurídico.com. Recuperado de: http://www.ambitojuridico.com/BancoConocimiento/N/noti-12100418debilidad_manifiesta/noti-121004-18debilidad_manifiesta.asp.

Rodríguez Garreta, (2012). Guía relaciones laborales y prestacionales. Bogotá: Ediciones Doctrina y Ley Ltda.

Sandoval, (2014). Debilidad manifiesta. Oportunidad para promover la salud. ÁmbitoJurídico.com. Recuperado de: http://www.ambitojuridico.com/BancoConocimiento/N/noti-12100418debilidad_manifiesta/noti-121004-18debilidad_manifiesta.asp.

Valdivieso Rueda, (2006). Selección y condiciones de salud. Revista actualidad laboral y seguridad social, pág. 25.




How to Cite

Ospino, L. D. G. (2018). Jurisdiction of job stability reinforced for health reasons. Ius Praxis, 2(1), 90-111. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/lux_praxis/article/view/6965