Incorporación de los acuerdos de la paz al bloque de constitucionalidad
Peace accords, constituional court, constituionnal court, Habana Agreements, Fast track, legislative act 01 of 2016, plebisciteAbstract
The peace agreement signed with the FARC guerrillas and the national government is incorporated into the constitutionality Block throuygh the endorsement that Congress makes through the fast track, with the endorsement of the constituional court, bur it is the same court wich leaves in the air the premise of a constitutional review if there is participation of the first constituent, which congress has stated to be representing it. But the plebesicte hel on october 2 saw that many of the Colombians who are parte of the first constituent pronounced wirh a majority in the polls, stating yhat this agreement should bot be incorporated into the Magana Cafrta throught the constituionality block, to many jurists are legal and fot others it is ileal and represents a forcible subjection of theses contents of the agreement.
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