Financial assesment as a result of students at universidad libre dropping ou


  • Omar Oswaldo Bernal Cifuentes Universidad Libre


financial assessment, students dropping out, lost profits


Objective. For the financial needs of the university, as well as the requirements of governmental entities in order to financially evaluate the impact of the college dropout at the Libre University Cucuta is defined, taking into account the information available in the Party organizations order is emerging. Method.The information and data available from the topic in the financial field was relevant unilaterally; for this reason we proceeded to the modeling of algorithms, which, supported by the Economic Engineering, collect and process financial information based on fair values. Method development study starts with providing information to the college dropout in the last four years, classified by university studies, number of students in each semester or school year as appropriate, quantitative identification of students who for some reason They not enrolled, classification of academic study no surplus is calculated at present value, weighed against the value of the tuition time. Results.The result of the process is a monetary value that allows us to know that many resources left to enter the coffers of the university, which later be budgeted into strategies, policies and programs to help reduce attrition and therefore optimize its benefits. Conclusion.The model can be implemented in different educational institutions, with appropriate adjustments required. It is recommended to implement the model developed in this research for future periods, because it would allow the Administration to make decisions on policies and goals to propose to reduce dropouts at the Libre University Cucuta.


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