An ontological model for the representation of the Barranquilla Carnival as cultural heritage in a context-aware system



Ontological model, Context, Carnival of Barranquilla, Cultural heritage, Semantic Web


The Barranquilla Carnival is the most important cultural expression of Colombia, declared as Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2003. This paper proposes an ontological model for the management of the Carnival of Barranquilla as a measure of recognition worldwide in a context-aware system. The ontological model has 18 domains that relate the Barranquilla Carnival (Traditional Dances, Device, Environment, Dance Schools, Cultural Event, Cultural Managers, Interface, Location, Profile, People, Typical Characters, Typical Food, Preference, Network, Cultural Sites, Time and Clothing), evaluated by means of seven (7) situations that were described in natural language and SWRL (this language was used because it allows expressing concepts in OWL combined with RuleML). The proposed model can be used in other similar cultural expressions such as the Binche Carnival in Belgium, the Basel Carnival in Switzerland, the Oruro Carnival in Bolivia, the Recife Carnival in Brazil, the Podence Carnival in Portugal, among others that enjoy the recognition of cultural and intangible heritage of humanity.


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