Protection guarantees for children who have been victims of the internal armed conflict according to the final agreement for the termination of the conflict and the construction of a stable and lasting peace of 2016.


  • Abelardo Andrés Lamus Ríos Universidad Libre


Constitutionality block, Armed conflict, Human rights, International humanitarian law, Constitutional protection


For more than half a century the country has suffered the consequences of the internal armed conflict, which have left a series of consequences such as displacement, massacres and in general a massive violation of the human rights of people who have been directly or indirectly affected. For the armed conflict in the country. In this regard, the national and international legal regulations will be studied through the constitutionality block in relation to issues of importance for the social and legal current situation of the country, taking into account the process of implementation of the peace agreements with the FARC and the dialogue processes that are being carried out with the ELN. For this reason, in Colombia the protection of human rights has been affected by decades of systematic and widespread violence that the Colombian population has endured for more than fifty years derived from the internal armed conflict with groups outside the law and paramilitarism, that is why in a Social State of Law, the generalized protection of the norms that regulate the national and international context of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law must be guaranteed.


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Author Biography

  • Abelardo Andrés Lamus Ríos, Universidad Libre

    Egresado no graduado de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas. Universidad Libre Seccional Socorro


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How to Cite

Lamus Ríos, A. A. . (2022). Protection guarantees for children who have been victims of the internal armed conflict according to the final agreement for the termination of the conflict and the construction of a stable and lasting peace of 2016. Innovando En La U, 10, 73-78.