Differential approach: people with disabilities, constitutional and legal rights. Socorro 2016 -2018.
Joint responsibility, Human rights, Inclusion, Prevention, RestrictionsAbstract
Problem: Is the constitutional and legal protection of the rights of people with disability in the municipality of El Socorro guaranteed? Objective: To establish guidelines for the creation of compliance factors of the constitutional and legal rights of persons with disabilities in the municipality of El Socorro 2016 -2018. Methodology: The methodology applied corresponds to a socio-legal investigation whose procedure is developed through the identification of the problem, review of the literature, the purpose of the research is determined, the Data is collected and analyzed. of its Interpretation arise valid statistical data for the investigative process that is being carried out, descriptive research, Inductive-deductive theoretical method, approach "Legal Partner", seeks to specify the properties of the problem and the behavior of the population. Results: the advice given to the community residing in Socorro in matters of claim for the protection of the rights of people with disabilities, contributes to the process of defense, promotion and safeguard of the group's human rights with a differential approach. Conclusions: As a partial conclusion, people with disabilities usually have fewer economic opportunities and restricted access to education, therefore tend to suffer a higher rate of poverty and are more vulnerable to witnessing any type of violence generated by poverty. ignorance, which is largely responsible for the stigmatization and discrimination suffered by people with disabilities.
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