Review of the permissive and sanctioning issues of the Colombian environmental regulations, 2015


  • Eliana Lizeth Duque Archila Universidad Libre
  • Amanda Parra Cárdenas Universidad Libre


Substantial aspects, User guide, Environmental regulations, Procedural, Natural resources


Central problem: the issuance of Decree 1076 of 2015, single regulatory of the environmental sector has generated legal certainty or has generated confusion in judicial operators and users of natural resources in the Country? Objective: To characterize the substantive and procedural aspects of environmental regulations, updated to May 2015, as well as the procedures, requirements and procedures that are needed by the environmental authority for the use and exploitation of natural resources and environmental services. Methodology: Descriptive research. Theoretical inductive-deductive method, with a “Socio-legal” approach, where it seeks to specify the properties of environmental problems in permits and sanctioning issues. Results: Analysis of the Compilation Decree of the environmental sector, 1076 of 2015. Through which the Single Regulatory Decree of the Environment and Sustainable Development Sector was issued. Conclusions: With the teaching of the use of permissive and sanctioning legal mechanisms in the community, it is feasible to achieve environmental sustainability, to find designs of institutional management and action measures capable of obtaining a rational use of natural resources and environmental quality, through the individual and responsible decisions of the agents, users of the resources.


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Author Biographies

  • Eliana Lizeth Duque Archila, Universidad Libre

    Egresada no graduada de la Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales - Universidad Libre Seccional Socorro

  • Amanda Parra Cárdenas, Universidad Libre

    Abogada, candidata a magister en Derecho para el urbanismo y ordenamiento territorial sostenible. Docente directora de la línea de Investigación Derechos Humanos y Garantías Procesales. Universidad Libre Seccional Socorro. Campus Universitario Majavita.


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How to Cite

Duque Archila, E. L., & Parra Cárdenas, A. (2022). Review of the permissive and sanctioning issues of the Colombian environmental regulations, 2015. Innovando En La U, 10, 40-46.