Fortalecimiento de las habilidades comunicativas del idioma inglés en estudiantes del cenedlu


  • Omar Andrés Delgado Díaz Universidad Libre
  • Kelly Johana Castañeda Acosta Universidad Libre
  • Carolina Salamanca Leguizam´on Universidad Libre


Communication, contextualization, foreign language English, meaningful learning


The decontextualization of the contents and grammatical approach imbues the teaching are causes for learning communication skills of the English language to become a tedious process for students as shown in the National English Program 2015-2015 Colombia Very Well! (MEN, 2014). Therefore, the research purpose was for significantly strengthening communication skills (writing, reading, listening and speaking) through the contextualization of the contents in the fourth and fifth grade of Centro Educative Luchadero Sede “F” Alto de la Cruz. The methodology is based in action research in the classroom with the type critical-social, making use of the inductive-deductive method under the frame of mixed research paradigm. To finalize, the results evidenced the positive impact that generates the knowledge of the context in which the student get develop to integrate the contents to their interests, learning rhythms and styles. Therefore, the pedagogy strategy realizes activities based on contextualization because its performance is a decisive role in the learning process as it provides to the student an intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to recognize the importance of communicating in English foreign language. Besides, it gives to the students the spaces to begin a real process communicative using academic tools and the communication skills allowing better academic and personal performance.


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How to Cite

Delgado Díaz, O. A., Castañeda Acosta, K. J., & Salamanca Leguizam´on, C. (2015). Fortalecimiento de las habilidades comunicativas del idioma inglés en estudiantes del cenedlu. Innovando En La U, 7, 41-48.