Estrategia pedagógica

fusión del bambuco con ritmos modernos, fomentando el folclor.


  • Alba Lucia Velásquez Porras Universidad Libre
  • Diana Milena Peñaloza Cantillo Universidad Libre
  • Tilcia Isabel Malagón Bastillas Universidad Libre
  • Carolina Salamanca Leguizamón Universidad Libre


Autochthonous, dance, cultural identy, sense of belonging


The project aims to revive the sense of belonging to the local cultural identity, through the implementation of the strategy bambuco fusion with modern rhythms, the problem is based in the ignorance and lack of interest of the students with bambuco as an expression cultural (Tamayo, 2008). This research was conducted in the qualitative approach; for data collection, was applied a diagnostic test and the direct observation of 25 students at the Fundación Estructurar of Bucaramanga with based in San Gil. A series of activities was conducted, which involved, the basic concepts of cultural identity (Molano, 2006), composition of musical lyrics, costumes design, and participation of the family. On the other hand, with the interview and the cooperation of the teacher in dances was done, the choreography and the process were integral. The results were satisfactory, as students reflected in the final test, knowledge, know-how and being, in terms of culture and the bambuco as manifestation thereof, its useful in the environment and the values that are implicit in it and the liking was observed to the new rhythm.


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How to Cite

Velásquez Porras, A. L., Peñaloza Cantillo, D. M., Malagón Bastillas, T. I., & Salamanca Leguizamón, C. (2015). Estrategia pedagógica: fusión del bambuco con ritmos modernos, fomentando el folclor. Innovando En La U, 7, 33-40.