Comprensión de textos narrativos teniendo en cuenta los estilos de aprendizaje visual, auditivo y kinestésico


  • Andrea Acevedo Quitián Universidad Libre
  • Luisa Fernanda Cuevas Castillo Universidad Libre
  • Carolina Salamanca Leguizamón Universidad Libre


Levels of lecture, phases of lecture, solé method, subprocess, TIC


The difficulty of the students in reading comprehension causes problems in the learning, as evidenced by the underachievement in the national and international tests. That's why this investigation proposed to strengthen the understanding in narrative texts taking in count the type of learning visual, listening, kinesthetic in children of four grade of Colegio la Buena Semilla of municipality of Socorro. The methodology is based at the critical social approach with the type of investigation action practice making use of the method inductive-deductive frame mixed research paradigm. It can conclude that the application of the phases of lecture doing activities in accordance to every style of learning, is a tool to improve the understanding of narrative texts at the same, a pillar of support for the process of teach-learn of the students allowing a better academic performance. In general, the results show a positive impact in the application of the phases in the lecture, taking in count the styles of learning as a tool to improve the level lecture understanding from a group of students in particular, this method becomes a pillar of support for the teaching-learning process of students, improving the level of understanding and apprehension of knowledge in the academic formation.


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How to Cite

Acevedo Quitián, A., Cuevas Castillo, L. F., & Salamanca Leguizamón, C. (2015). Comprensión de textos narrativos teniendo en cuenta los estilos de aprendizaje visual, auditivo y kinestésico. Innovando En La U, 7, 25-32.