Aprendizaje significativo de la constitución política de colombia de 1991 a través de estrategias didácticas.


  • Liceth Patricia Martínez Tavera Universidad Libre
  • Paola Esther Ayala Ramírez Universidad Libre
  • Carolina Salamanca Leguizam´on Universidad Libre


Citizenship skills, play, motivation, playful pedagogical strategy


The teaching of Colombia's Constitution of 1991 provides sources to get to know and enforce the rights and duties of colombian citizens and how is forms the state and its functions, in some cases, not appropriate methodologies for its learning are evident, thus, students have lost interest in this subject and generating little knowledge in its content. For this reason, the research aimed to implement recreational and instructional strategies in the fourth grade students of the College Siglo XXI in the municipality of Socorro, Santander, to generate meaningful learning of CP/91. This is within the qualitative paradigm, a critical social approach based on the inductive method; the type of research implemented in this work is the action-research participation. To do this, a series of strategies were developed focused on the game, in artistic representations and dialogue. The TIC'S was used facilitating student learning. The implementation of these strategies allowed arouse interest in knowing the CP/91, favorable results were obtained where most of the students put into practice important aspects of citizenship skills through motivation, attention and retention, because through funny and significative ways they adopted behaviors of coexistence and liability.


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How to Cite

Martínez Tavera, L. P., Ayala Ramírez, P. E., & Salamanca Leguizam´on, C. (2015). Aprendizaje significativo de la constitución política de colombia de 1991 a través de estrategias didácticas. Innovando En La U, 7, 09-16. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/innovando/article/view/3915