Evaluacion de la percepcion que tienen los caficultores frente la certificacion rainforest alliance de las provincias comuneras y guanenta, departamento de santader
Stamps, coffee, Sustainable Agriculture Standard, socioeconomic, environmentalAbstract
To evaluate the perception of farmers facing the Rainforest Alliance (RA) certification in 2014, 58 farmers personalized certificate with RA provinces and Guanenta commoner, Santander department surveys were conducted. Our work focused on various types of research: "Descriptive, explanatory and exploratory" because we do not just rely on external and internal factors, was also important to explore the socioeconomic, environmental relationships and to describe the perception of producers on certification and the reality as experienced by certified growers with RA seal. The results indicate that several requirements of the Sustainable Agriculture Standard (NAS) of RA, and were met by farmers before being certified as farms offer good payment conditions and fair treatment of workers, from engaging soil conservation, maintain accounting records and work on the farm. In our study we found that most ce certified farmers in this county are small and medium farmers which have areas between 0-20 hectares cultivated mostly in coffee variety and variety Colombia castle. Many of these farmers have little time respondents having obtained the RA seal between 0-5 years and the longest 12 years. Some of them have 2 or more stamps including the nespresso, organic, 4C, and practice stamp stands. From the perception of farmers Valley Township of St. Joseph and based on the research results we can say that many had no knowledge of the Rainforest Alliance standard and much less than the benefits gained from this. Some if they admitted that came presenting a necessity and that through the implementation of the Rainforest Alliance standard wanted to meet. The farmers surveyed said that being able to have new marketing channels, and bonuses at the price of coffee on the market for cargo, were the reasons for Rainforest Alliance began to implement on their farms. Another issue we can conclude is that many considered a fundamental reason to certify the management of the National Federation of Coffee Growers for inclusion in a select group and ease of funding and support for the implementation of the seal. It can also be concluded in this research was the need of the farmers to have a friendly farming environment and be sustainable over time, and today should protect the environment we have left and try to recover it we have deteriorated. This research allows us to conclude that economic factors also influenced the decision-making; for they saw that other farmers received higher incomes guild and additionally created them great economic expectations for engaging in this process. Another important point to conclude was the clarity of the process because as farmers were aware that acquiring Rainforest Alliance generate them great responsibility, hard work and money spent on each and every one of the aspects covered by the standard in its 10 principles and should give continuity to the process.
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