Estudio de la demanda de exfoliantes y cremas corporales a base de café orgánico Coffee Sensations en el municipio de el Socorro
B o t a n y, c a f f e i n e, c e l l u l i t e, d e r m a t o l o g y, microdermabrasion, mineralogyAbstract
Vanity has become for women in need, be fashionable, use new products for wrinkles, cellulite, treatments for hair, makeup, etc., look and feel good either physical and mentally plays an important role in this society that increasingly demands more than what is givenCoffee Sensations used conclusive research, describing the functions and features of the segmented market, making it possible to identify the existing demand, for this we used the surveys, interviews addressed to the selected sample and to the local elected business. In a country like Colombia, the world producer of the social importance of this drink more soft coffee is undeniable. The coffee here is a perfect excuse to start the day with a cup of this magical liquid anywhere: on the street, in the cafeteria, in the House, on the balcony, in the garden; gather with friends or take a short break at the office. Coffee Sensation, combining coffee and vanity that characterizes women, coffee with its soft scent, intense color and flavor, sensuality, Picardy and the feminine touch symbolizing women Colombian; the benefits that has organic coffee in the skin are really good, they help fight cellulite, it is a detoxifier.
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