Caracterización de la cadena ovina y caprina en Colombia


  • Libardo Moreno Gómez Universidad Libre
  • Diana Gabriel Lara Rodríguez Universidad Libre


Marketing, per capita consumption, International Market, Production


The sheep is a species that has accompanied the small and medium farmer for many years, being an important source of food and livelihoods in Colombia. The objective of this research focused on doing a literature review of the current status of the production and marketing of sheep and goats at the national and international level. The methodology used was descriptive, based on documentary analysis as part of the learning process in classroom in the course of agricultural exports in the Policies and husbandry program at the Free University Branch Socorro. Among the results found that production in our country is at levels decrease as the per capita consumption is very low seasonal; worldwide except countries of great power in production levels remain constates like to use, one of the best lines of protein. In conclusion the large global market that exists in sheep and goat products in Colombia is limited on many producing countries due to scheduled and low industrial production in the country; these challenges can not be met due to lack of information from the state and producers, generating that state investment is very limited.


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Amézquita v, Jorge e eat. (2006). La cadena ovina y caprina en Colombia, agrocadenas. Bogotá.

Barrios C. Camilo E, (2005) Guía práctica de ovinocultura enfocada hacia la producción de carne. BACOM Ltda. Rancho de la oveja. Barrios

Secretariado Uruguayo de la Lana (SUL). Informe cría y producción ovina en Uruguay







How to Cite

Moreno Gómez, L., & Lara Rodríguez, D. G. (2014). Caracterización de la cadena ovina y caprina en Colombia. Innovando En La U, 6, 75-83.