El derecho humano a la identidad digital


  • María Carolina Castañeda Díaz Abogada. Especialista en Derecho Administrativo, - Especialista en contratación estatal, - Magíster en Innovación en derecho digital y legal tech. Aspirante a Magíster en Derecho Administrativo- 4 semestre - Universidad Libre cohorte P12.
  • Laura Merlano Herrera Abogada. Conciliadora en Derecho. Especialista en Derecho Administrativo. Aspirante a Magíster en Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad Libre.




Digital rights, digital identity, metaverse, Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)


The irruption and the incessant technological advance increasingly implies greater challenges for the academy and legal sciences. The category of “digital rights” is more frequently debated due to the transformation of human relations around these spaces. Given this, the notion of digital identity occupies a growing importance on the global agenda, and in the absence of legal recognition, this qualitative research addresses different conceptual approaches to argue the need for its interpretation as a human right. For this purpose, is explained the evolution of digital environments caused by social networks, the monetization of user accounts, digital commerce, the announcement of the Facebook Metaverse, and many other scenarios that, indisputably, have given a new meaning to the concept of identity, making the interpretation of legal relationships more complex. Ultimately, it will be argued that the notion of digital identity includes the existence and participation of people in digital environments, and in accordance with this, it stands out, on the one hand, the implementation of means for physical identification in digital spaces, and on the other, the creation, administration, use and disposal of user accounts on digital platforms.


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How to Cite

Castañeda Díaz, M. C., & Merlano Herrera, L. (2024). El derecho humano a la identidad digital. Gerencia Libre, 10, 103-116. https://doi.org/10.18041/Gerencia-Libre.2024Vol10.12365