Transformational leadership and decision-making in organizations of the Colombian Caribbean
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Palabras clave

Costa caribe colombiana
Transformación Administration
Colombian Caribbean coast

Cómo citar

Barragán Morales, C. ., Pomares Mendoza, A. ., Borja Barrera , M. ., & Márquez Osorio, F. . (2024). Transformational leadership and decision-making in organizations of the Colombian Caribbean. Dictamen Libre, (34: Enero-Junio), 93–102.


The objective of the research was to analyze transformational leadership and decision-making in organizations in the Colombian Caribbean, based on a methodology with a quantitative, descriptive approach, non-experimental, cross-sectional, and field design, through non-probabilistic sampling. intentional to address a sample of 165 business organizations, using Scott and Bruce's Decision-Making Style Instrument (GDMS) (1995), finding that there is a significant correlation between transformational leadership and some leadership styles on the Colombian Caribbean coast. Concluding that there is a level of correlation between transformational leadership, with a predominance of rational and dependent styles.
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