Resource remedy against the decisions made by the company of public services Electricaribe s.a.


  • Dollys Patricia Cañas IPS de la región Caribe
  • Rafael García Alvarado Universidad Libre seccional Barranquilla



Resource remedy, Public services, Citizens, Effective, Revocation


In Colombia, home public services come to be considered as social purposes of the State, associated with the quality of life of citizens. In addition, they are considered a budget for the validity and respect of fundamental rights, and an essential basis for the development and competitiveness of the country. All the actions carried out by the State seek to provide a solution to the needs of all the inhabitants of the territory, specifically in relation to home public services, which are essential and fundamental. On the occasion of this, the resources that can be filed within a process are part of the right of defense of the user of public services; This is how the appeal for reinstatement is used when you do not agree with the decision issued by the entity providing the service, and its  main purpose is to protect the rights that were affected; giving way to the user so that he can file said mechanism with the entity that issued the resolution, in order to clarify, modify or revoke it


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