Beyond Diabetes Mellitus: protein glycosylation


  • Dilia Aparicio Marenco Universidad Rafael Núñez
  • Marlene Durán Lengua, PhD. Universidad Rafael Núñez


Diabetes mellitus, Hyperglycemia, Glycosylation end products advanced


The evidence supporting chronic hyperglycemia as the cause of a series of macro and microvascularcomplications are devastating. Pathophysiologic changes that result from this condition go beyond the meaning of high levels of glucose, as a result of inadequate insulin secretion or tissue resistance to the entry of glucose into cells. The consequences of these high glucose levels for prolonged periods, ultimately lead to the glycation of proteins, the consequences of a malfunction, in addition to the formation of advanced glycation end products. The evaluation of glycated hemoglobin, glycated albumin or time are indicative proteins bearing exposed to high concentrations of glucose or glycemic condition of the patient, but also involved in long-term complications as diabetic nephropathy. The consequence of these glycated proteins and the formation of advanced glycation end products are the malfunction of vital organs aging and development of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.


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