Risk factors associated with presisten diarrhea in children under 5 years, in hospital niño Jesús. Barranquilla, January of 2012-April of 2013
Risk factors, Diarrhea, Nutritional statusAbstract
Objective: Determine the risk factors associated with persistent diarrhea in children under 5 years in Hospital Niño Jesus of Barranquilla (Colombia), 2012-2013. Materials and Methods: Case-control study conducted in 50 patients under 5 years old diagnosed with persistent diarrhea admitted in the pediatric inpatient ward of Hospital Niño Jesus, during January 2012-April 2013. Controls were patients from the pediatric outpatient clinic with a diagnosis of acute diarrhea. The processing of data was based on the Epi-Info 3.5.1 program. Results: About low socioeconomic status was found: OR = 2.77, CI = 1.04 - 7.33, p = 0.03; low education had OR = 4.95, CI = 1.50 - 16.1, p = 0.005; data obtained for anemia were: OR = 3.28, CI = 1.12 - 9.61 and = 0.02, low weight: OR = 6.09, CI = 1.62 - 22.8, p = 0.003; exclusive breastfeeding showed ≤ 3 months: OR = 7.21, CI = 2.72 - 19.8, Value of p <0.00001 and in 4-5 months: OR = 1.30, CI = 10.7 - 88.4, p = 0.007; recent acute diarrhea resulted in: OR = 8.24, CI = 30.4 - 112.2, p <0.00001. Conclusion: Risk factors for persistent diarrhea in this study were low socioeconomic status families, low edu- cational level (high school or less), anemia, low weight, non-exclusive breastfeeding up to three months and the episode recent acute diarrhea.
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