Hipopotasemic tirotoxic periodic paralysis

Report of a case and revision of literature


  • Alejandro Ochoa Morón Universidad Libre
  • Luis Peréz Rodríguez Universidad Libre


Hipopotasemic tirotoxic periodic paralysis, Tirotoxicosis, Hyperthyroidism, Hypokalemia


The hipopotasemic tiroxic periodic paralysis is an entity of low frequency, with incidence of 2 % in the western countries; in our means the incidence is smaller, and predominates between masculine young adults with hyperthyroidism antecedent; clinically one appears like episodes of acute muscular weakness; that they can put in risk the life of the patient; raising a diagnostic challenge occasions about which it does not exist previous antecedent of disease, taking the great majority of the times to think about diagnoses differential slike syndrome of Guillain- Barre-Landry, transverse myelitis, hysteria and acute medullary compression. The following is a patient with picture of acute muscular weakness exposes itself, that raised initially a probable picture of Guillain-Barre-Landry and in which later determined the presence of hyperthyroidism, like causal of hypokalemia and acute muscular weakness, diagnosing finally hipopotasemic tirotoxic periodic paralysis; in addition, a review of the literature is presented.


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How to Cite

Hipopotasemic tirotoxic periodic paralysis: Report of a case and revision of literature. (2013). Biociencias, 8(2), 61-69. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/biociencias/article/view/2814