Utility of anti-ccp in monitoring activity of rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis, Antibody anti cyclic citrullinated peptide, DAS 28Abstract
and are the most specific for the diagnosis of this disease. However, the results in terms of their usefulness in monitoring treatment have been mixed. Objective: Determining the usefulness of anti-CCP in monitoring the activity of rheumatoid arthritis and the prev- alence of these patients depending on the type of therapy at which they were exposed. Materials and methods: Study of diagnostic test evaluation, conducted to patients in outpatient unit of the Atlan- tic Medical Research services provider institution, in Barranquilla, Colombia. Intentional non-probability sampling, which included 39 patients who met the criteria for classification of rheumatoid arthritis to which we evaluated the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of anti-CCP for the monitoring of disease activity using as gold standard the DAS 28. Results: The anti-CCP had a sensitivity of 57%, specificity 25%, positive predictive value 86% and negative predic- tive value of 6%, when establishing activity and remission. Conclusion: Anti-CCP antibodies are a useful diagnostic test to predict disease activity, but it has limitations when setting the states of remission.
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