Type II ondotoid fracture

Case report


  • Salvador Mattar Díaz Universidad Libre
  • David Nicolás Esmeral Ojeda Universidad Libre


Fracture, Atlanto-axial joint, Odontoid process, Joint instability


Background: Type II odontoid fractures are common and their treatment is still debated by different spine column groups at a national and international level. Objective: Submit a case and a review the literature. Presentation: This is about a young woman who suffers craniocervical trauma after a car accident, persisting neck pain days after conservative treatment. The woman is re-evaluate and it is found that there is a type II fracture, subjecting her to anterior fixation of the odontoid process. Discussion: Current clinical evidence does not allow making recommendations about the conservative or surgical management in this type of fracture. Neither treatment is free morbidity. Conclusion: It was decided to treat the patient by a minimal surgical procedure, indicated after the failure of the conservative treatment.


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