Oxidation of Nadh and succinate by respiratory chain of Burkhlderia Cepacia
Bacteria, Cytochromes, Terminal oxidase, Respiratory chain, Quinones, Succinate dehydrogenaseAbstract
Electron transport systems in bacteria vary from somes species to another depending of the growth conditions. There are not any previous studies about Burkholderia cepacia’s respiratory system. This bacteria belongs to the Burkholderiaceae family, and is a gramnegative rod, aerobic, mobile, little exigent. The objective of this study was to know the endogenous substrates used for this microorganism and the effect of cyanide on the B. cepacia’s respiratory system. The results obtained, allow postulating a model of B cepacia’s respiratory chain, which is composed by NADH dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase, an ubiquinol oxidase and a type of cytochrome oxidase. The KCN has a much greater effect on the activity of succinate oxidase than the NADH oxidase, while in the assay of ascorbate oxidase + TMPD shows a high sensitivity to cyanide, suggesting terminal oxidase sensitive to cyanide.
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