Use of mangrove microorganisms as microbial inoculants in Colombia
Biofertilizers, Endophytes, Mangroves, Bacterias, FungiAbstract
In this paper, the review of the literature about the importance of plant growth promoting microorganisms that could be used as microbial inoculants on mangrove seedlings. Initially we present the problem of mangroves in Colombia and ecological role of microorganisms in this ecosystem. This paper emphasizes on the studies about phosphates solubilizing microorganisms and nitrogen-fixing both rhizospheric and endophytic, highlighting theirs potential use in conservation and restoration processes in degraded areas. In this study, we concluded that the bacterial and fungal community are responsible for the maintenance of mangrove ecosystems, constituting an efficient recycling of nutrients and they can also serve as aids for the propagation and establishment of seedlings.
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