Helicobacter Pylori
Advances in inmunogenetics and diagnostic methods
Helicobacter pylori, Immunogenetics, Peptic ulcerAbstract
In 1982, Marshall and Warren discovered a bacterium that survives in acid and colonizes gastric mucosa called Helicobacter pylori, which is present in patients with gastritis and peptic ulcer. Its prevalence in adults in western countries is between 20 and 40%, and in developing countries approximately 80%. Knowledge of immunological, metabolic and pathogenic characteristics has facilitated progress in the diagnosis and prevention of gastroduode- nal diseases related with it. The infection has been associated with expression of specific alleles HLA-DR human gastrointestinal tract, suggesting a role in the development of chronic gastritis. Currently there are many tests for detection, highlighting the breath test, because the most sensitive and specific. The review aims to highlight the advances in immunogenetics and methods to diagnose this bacterium.
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