Advances in inmunnology of transplants


  • Franklin Torres Jiménez Universidad Libre



Transplant, Major histocompatibility complex, Rejection, Tolerance


Transplantation is the process of grafting cells or tissues from one person (donor) to another (recipient), in or- der to replace tissues or organs that have lost their biological function. One of the drawbacks in the success of this practice is the immune rejection of the organ transplanted, due to genetic and phenotypic differences that exist between the donor and the recipient (molecules of the major histocompatibility complex, complex minor histocompatibility antigens in the system and ABO). There are medications that have the function of preventing the rejection of grafts. However, prolonged use of these creates immunosuppression nonspecific, predispose to the development of infection by opportunistic microbes and neoplasms. New advances in transplant medicine have allowed the development of more specific drugs, and even new strategies to induce tolerance in trasplant patients. Under this perspective, this bibliographic review was developed, with the objective of providing new knowledge related to Immunology of transplants.


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