Low back pain, Workload, Ergonomics, Safety and health at workAbstract
Introduction: The risk factors of physical load are the most impact on the country according to the II Conditions Survey Safety and Health in the system of occupational hazards, proving that needed programs and plans aimed at preventing injuries skeletal muscle that they are generated, a fact that supports the Latin American Organization of social Security, which emphasizes the creation of prevention programs in occupational hazards.
Objectives: To analyze the bibliographic production related risk factors and physical burden of occupational low back pain.
Methodology: Through literature review, science-based and related studies in the area, the relationship between the risks of physical load and analyze occupational low back pain.
Results: The literature search showed that the risk factors of physical load lead to musculoskeletal disorders, including occupational low back pain, and can lead to occupational diseases, incapacity and increase absenteeism, negatively impacting the management system of safety and health in the work of enterprises in Colombia.
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