Hansen disease (leprosy): Erythema nodosum leprosum case presentation


  • Luis C. Fragozo Mendoza ESE Hospital Cari
  • Carlos A. Villalobos Caballero ESE Hospital Cari




leprosy, lepromatous leprosy, tuberculoid leprosy, borderline leprosy, type 1 and 2 reactions


Hansen's disease or leprosy is a chronic course infectious disease as old as humanity itself, which throughout history has led to the isolation and alienation of anyone who has it. Nowadays due to pathogenesis knowledge and therapeutics advance we can have a different point of view about it. In the following sections we will perform an updated revision of this disease and check a 44 year-old patient case, who was diagnosed with lepromatous leprosy developing a nodosum leprosum erythema and who has also received the appropriate multidrug treatment with appropriate clinical response.


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How to Cite

Hansen disease (leprosy): Erythema nodosum leprosum case presentation. (2017). Biociencias, 12(1), 101-108. https://doi.org/10.18041/2390-0512/bioc..1.2453