Speed and effectiveness in the measurement of cardiac frequency with cardiac monitorin newborns of the general san diego clinic in the city of Barranquilla-colombia


  • Ricardo León Sánchez Consuegra Universidad Libre
  • Amy Carolina Ahumada Sierra Universidad Libre
  • Marco Antonio Bula Álvarez Universidad Libre
  • Carlos Alí Camacho Consuegra Universidad Libre




Electrocardiograph, heart rate, pulso-oxymeter, newborn


Objective: To determine the speed and efficiency of measuring heart rate with heart rate monitor in newborns and to analyze, compare and determine ultimately the methods in question for measuring heart rate is more effective and recommended use. Method: The newborn will be placed in a servocuna immediately after birth. A pulse - oximetry detector will be placed in pre-ductal position (palm or right wrist) will be connected to a pulse-oximeter brand model Edan H100B. Simultaneously another member of the team will dry the surface of the newborn chestand place three ECG electrodes which are connected to respective brand Edan Model M50 monitor, the information will be recorded for a period of at least 3 minutes, another team member will review videos and record the time that the monitors begin to show reliable heart rate values. Results: We studied 27 newborns, including 1 needed Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation average time to get a reliable reading using the electrocardiogram heart rate averaged 18.8 seconds, with a median of 13 seconds. The average time to obtain a stable reading of heart rate using pulse-pulse oximetry was 27.8 seconds with a median of 26 seconds. Conclusion: measuring the heart rate, electrocardiogram was 33% faster than the pulse-oximeter for this purpose.


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How to Cite

Speed and effectiveness in the measurement of cardiac frequency with cardiac monitorin newborns of the general san diego clinic in the city of Barranquilla-colombia. (2017). Biociencias, 12(2), 35-42. https://doi.org/10.18041/2390-0512/bioc..2.2277

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