Fixed Prosthesis Reinforced with Fiberglass as a Restorative Option to Conventional Fixed Prosthetics




Dental prostheses, Fiberglass, Fiberglass-reinforced polymers, Dental adhesives


Introduction: For the replacement of missing teeth, conventional fixed dentures are a treatment option by restoring dental function and anatomy. However, the wear generated towards an abutment tooth to comply with the principles of preparation has led to the emergence of other alternatives to overcome this problem. Fiberglass-reinforced composites offer a new, minimally invasive treatment option capable of rehabilitating a tooth loss. The aim of this review is to describe the properties, advantages, disadvantages and limitations of glass fibre reinforced composites. Methods: A scientific literature search was conducted in 6 databases during December 2023, using the descriptors fiberglass reinforcing composite, fiber-reinforced composite, fixed dental prostheses, properties, combined with the Boolean operators AND and OR. Results: Fiberglass reinforced composites are offered as an alternative to rehabilitate missing teeth. These exhibit good flexible strength (297-426MPa), compressive strength (965MPa), tensile strength (18.9-43.4MPa), good elastic modulus (3-6GPa), viscoelastic performance and attractive aesthetics, through satisfactory biocompatibility. Conclusion: Interest in the use of fiberglass-reinforced composites in prosthodontics continues to increase. One of the perspectives of this work would be to carry out new research related to the failures presented by these compounds and their long-term performance.


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How to Cite

Fixed Prosthesis Reinforced with Fiberglass as a Restorative Option to Conventional Fixed Prosthetics. (2024). Biociencias, 19(1).