Under Colombian constitutional jurisprudence, and per the provisions of Sentence C-1118 of 2005, the creations of the intellect and those related to their disclosure and dissemination, as intangible assets, have been grouped, for legal purposes, in the so-called intellectual property rights, which in turn include copyright, industrial property rights and rights over scientific discoveries, as well as other forms and manifestations of the creative capacity of the individual.

Following the provisions above and in compliance with the provisions of the Constitutional Court in Sentence T-941 A / 11 to guarantee due process, it established that the universities have to establish by regulation clear and effective measures aimed at detecting, investigating and drastically punish those who engage in conduct that violates copyright (plagiarism)

In the processes of implementation, promotion and production of knowledge, science, technology, and innovation that the Free University carries out in the development of its substantial functions of teaching, research and social projection; Intellectual property acquires transcendental importance given its role in determining, recognizing and guaranteeing the rights over the intellectual creations of those who intervene in them.

 The Magazine has policies for its operation of a public nature. Besides, it has a guiding document for authors, which contains the minimum guidelines for the presentation of articles

 For the Free University, intellectual property constitutes the fundamental good of societies and economies based on information and knowledge; Therefore, the need for this ethics regulation for the authors of the Journal, which is being developed:


Article 1: General scope of responsibility of authors: Authors are fully responsible for the ideas expressed in their articles, as well as the ethical suitability of the articles. The Journal tries to guarantee academic and research suitability, respecting the creation and work carried out by the authors, through their evaluation processes, which seek to protect the plurality and relativity of thought.

Article 2: Responsibility of the Authors: The following are the responsibilities of the authors of the articles submitted and published in the Journal:

  • Do not submit in the Journal works already published, totally or partially
  • Avoid any conflict of interest in the publication of data and results (financial, institutional, collaborative, or other relationships between evaluators and authors).
  • Recognize the credits corresponding to all the people or institutions that have collaborated in the scientific articles submitted to the Journal.
  • Respect intellectual property, clearly pointing out and referencing any fragment that is taken from the work of another author or authors, in the construction of their work.
  • Recognize and accept that the journal's arbitration process is “double-blind”, which implies that neither the authors nor the peers will know each other's identities. In this sense, it is the responsibility of the author to avoid any direct allusion or indication of his identity within the body of the text.
  • Do not simultaneously submit your work to another publication while the manuscript is in the process of arbitration in the journal
  • Accept in their entirety the rules, criteria, and editorial procedures of the Journal.
  • Sign the document of "transfer of economic rights", where they authorize the use, reproduction, transformation, publication of the text, and distribution to the Publishing University.
  • Sign the document of non-origin of conflict of interest
  • Other responsibilities whose content is related to the above

Paragraph: Ignorance of the aforementioned responsibilities by the authors will generate ethical responsibility of the respective author

Paragraph: Sending the text to the Journal implies that the authors agree to submit their texts to the established processes, and their greater collaboration to achieve its successful completion. In any case, the Journal reserves the right to make minor style corrections, without consulting the authors.

Article 3: On the ethical duties of the authors: The authors of the articles postulated, evaluated and published in the Journal undertake to respect the ethical and legal guidelines to which they must submit, taking into account the nature of their research, as well as the principles universals recognized in each of the areas of knowledge to which their work corresponds.

Therefore, the authors must ensure that the conclusions and findings presented in their works correspond to truthful data and information and that they have been analyzed and collected according to scientific methods and techniques.

Likewise, the authors undertake when submitting their articles for publication that their works respect the principles and postulates recognized in the Declaration of Helsinki of the WMA and especially the mandates recognized by the Belmont Report. Therefore, your research must recognize the ethical guidelines of:

  • Respect for the people.
  • Justice

 Consequently, the authors undertake to have the informed consent of the investigated subjects.

 Article 4: On the veracity of the data and the methods of analysis of the information: The Journal adheres to the guidelines of the Ethics Committee for Publications COPE, for which it will consider inappropriate conduct for the author to use data in his research false or not adjusted to reality and accordingly offer the conclusions set out in your article. In the event of such a situation, the article will be rejected in limine.

 Article 5: Confidentiality: The Journal undertakes to keep confidential all the documents that its editorial team becomes aware of by the process of review, evaluation and publication of the submitted articles,

 Article 6: Moral Rights: The moral rights of any intellectual production must always be recognized, making the respective reference in the production. The ownership of a creation of human ingenuity constituting a moral right corresponds to whoever produced it. Thus, research and creations of human ingenuity in general, financed by Bodies and Institutions and executed under an employment contract or any other contractual modality, by teachers, researchers, students and other people linked to research groups and centers, are owner or by owners to whom or who have carried out such research and creations or participated importantly and decisively in them. If there are several authors of the creation, the authorship will correspond to all

 Article 7: Patrimonial Rights: It is presumed, unless otherwise agreed, that the patrimonial rights of the authors for the articles published in the journal are transferred to the Free University as the publishing institution, observing in any case the provisions of the law.

 Article 8: Assignment of Patrimonial Rights: The transfer of patrimonial rights of author must be in writing in the format provided by the Journal as a condition of validity.

 Article 9: Originality Clause and Assignment of Rights: All authors and co-authors, at the time of submission of the article, must send the signed declaration of originality electronically. No article may be submitted to the peer reviewers without having submitted of said statement and its receipt is verified.

 Once the articles have been selected for publication, the respective transfer of economic rights will be sent to the author or authors; which must be returned as soon as possible, signed, by electronic means to continue with the process.

If the rights have been previously assigned to an Institution financing the project, the authors must inform the entity and establish the respective authorization to assign the rights to the determined text, guaranteeing the non-existence of conflict of interest between the Institution. Editor and the one who financed the research, if different. In this sense, the assignment of rights sent to the Journal will be understood to prevail over any general or particular assignment, and that it is the author's obligation if it exists and to resolve any incompatibilities that may arise.

Article 10: Copyright Note: The publication of an article in the Journal, infers the authorization of the editor (a) of this Journal, for its partial or total reproduction, for academic, non-commercial, or lucrative purposes, on websites, networks , bibliographic databases, indexes, directories or any other means of electronic reproduction, always referring to the author and the journal in question.

Article 11: Privacy Statement: The names, addresses, telephones, emails or any other personal data entered in this Journal will be used exclusively for the purposes declared by it, will be treated under Law 1581 of 2012 and will not be available to no other purpose or other person.

Article 12: Repeated Citations of a single Author: It is allowed to quote an author by transcribing the necessary passages, as long as they are not multiple and continuous. The foregoing to avoid a simulated reproduction that is detrimental to the author of the work from which they are taken. In each appointment, the name of the author of the cited work and the title of said work must be mentioned.

Article 13: Citations in works other than indexed books and magazines: Photographs, illustrations and comments related to events in reality, published by the press or broadcast on radio or television, may be cited in the corresponding scientific article, if this has not been expressly prohibited.

 Article 14: Works created by public employees or officials: The copyright on works created by public employees or officials, in compliance with the constitutional or legal obligations of their position, will be owned by the corresponding public entity

Article 15: Authorization for the use of the scientific article: The author must grant authorization for the use of his scientific article, so that it can be used for consultation or referencing purposes and to include his article in databases and physical or electronic bibliographic catalogs determined by the Editor of the Journal

Article 16: Plagiarism: There is plagiarism when a natural person attributes the work of another or when a natural person attributes the work of another, not by reproducing it identically, but by imitating it in its essential extremes. Thus, among other aspects, the following types of plagiarism are distinguished:

a.- Data or information not cited: It consists of the absence of reference from the sources on which the data used in the documents is obtained

b.- Idea not cited, either specific or general concept: Use of concepts or ideas in the text without presenting who the author is, which makes them go through their creation. It is also plagiarism when a correct citation is made by copying verbatim and in quotes those that the source expresses, but after the citation it presents more ideas from the same or another source, changing the order of the ideas

c.- Direct plagiarism: When the structure of the sentences is changed and content is added or deleted without recognizing the original author

d.- Plagiarism using a citation: When, although the true author is recognized, plagiarism occurs because the original text is reproduced with only minor changes without using quotation marks or footnotes

e- Simple plagiarism with a footnote: When quotation marks are not used even though academic citation rules require their use and some words are slightly changed to make the passage appear to be different from the original

f.- Paraphrasing as plagiarism: When paraphrasing without reference to the original paragraph extensively and continuously, even when the source is cited

g.- Self-plagiarism: When the author steals himself by duplicating or recycling previous publications of his authorship, to promote himself or increase his prestige

Article 17: Plagiarism report: The peer or peers assigned to evaluate and review the scientific article that detect plagiarism in any of its forms will inform the Editor of such circumstance, explaining precisely and in detail the fact or facts constituting plagiarism, with an indication of the work or production to which the plagiarist claims all or a part that is not his

Article 18: General consequences of plagiarism: The author who incurs in any form of plagiarism of those referenced in this document or any established in the law, will incur a serious fault and will generate as a consequence, the rejection of the corresponding scientific article and the sanctions that the Colombian legal system provides in this regard.

Article 19: Consequences for acts other than plagiarism: Authors who violate the responsibilities indicated in this document may be subject to reprimands or rejection of their articles, taking into account the seriousness of the behavior. For this particular case, the sanction imposed will be imposed by the Editor with prior approval of the Editorial Committee.

Article 20: Sanctioning Process for plagiarism: Once the plagiarism report has been received, the Editor will proceed if he finds merit to do so, to open the respective investigation utilizing a decision in which it will be arranged to transfer said report to the authors denounced as authors of plagiarism so that through writing they render the discharges to which there is place. The term to render the discharges will be 10 days from the notification to the author or authors of the work in which the plagiarism was reported. Notification of the opening decision will be made by written communication sent to the email that the author has reported. If the author or authors accept their responsibility for the plagiarism investigated when the discharges are rendered, the action will end with a decision in which the rejection of the scientific article will be imposed as the only sanction.

If the charges are not accepted, it will be arranged to continue with the investigation through a decision that only admits an appeal for reversal in which, besides, a term of 3 days will be given from its notification so that the interested parties can present or request evidence in defense of their interests. The term for the practice of suitable, pertinent and conducive tests will be 10 days, which if necessary may be extended for a period of 5 days.

Once the testing phase is concluded, the decision of the investigation will be issued, in which if it is found that plagiarism was committed, the offender or offenders will be imposed as a sanction the rejection of the scientific article and the impossibility of re-submitting scientific articles to the Journal within a period of two (2) years

The decision decision can be appealed before the Committee of Academic Unity of the Faculty of Law and its procedure will be assimilated to the appeal determined in the CPACA.

Article 21: Of crimes against copyrights: The incursion into violations of moral or patrimonial rights of intellectual property constituting a crime, under the legislation in force at the time of the violation, make the offender or offenders liable criminally trial before the competent authorities

Article 22: Conflicts of interest and causes of impediment: When the Author considers the origin of a conflict of interest with the Editor, it is essential that he or she express said situation as soon as possible.

All authors must be declared disabled in the following cases, and as a consequence of this, the Editor and / or Editorial Committee will proceed to correct the situation in particular, in the following cases:

  1. Be the spouse, permanent partner or relative of the Editor of the Journal
  1. There is serious enmity or special friendship between the author and the publisher

3 .Having been Editor of the Journal the year before the submission of the corresponding article

  1. Likewise, when the author has any opinion or financial interest that may affect the results of the research, the results of which are reflected in an article submitted for publication in the journal, he must make it known at the time of application. For this purpose, he must state the reasons why he considers there is a conflict of interest and if said circumstance affected the conclusions of his investigation.

Paragraph: The referenced causes are of a non-exhaustive enunciative nature.

Article 23: Regarding what is not regulated in this document, the national and international regulations that may be applicable will be used.