No. 36 (2016)
The exercise of the Mission of Verba Iuris magazine is systematically carried out publication of papers with research results by the Graduate Institute of the Free University; consequently we allow ourselves to place in your hands these articles which are new blocks in the wall of knowledge. We can highlight in order of presentation the article "jurisdictional state and common good" presenting the consequences for the common good of the emergence in Colombia of a State where there is a reflection on the way in which the common good has a fundamental criterion of judgment that serves to show the convenience it has for the social life, that the judges deal with what the nature of their function demands and, from this righteousness. And in the final part it raises the need to recover the relationship between the administration of justice and the common good, ... as a way for the overcoming the problems raised in the first part of the document. Continue with the work titled " Analysis of the investigation of the forced disappearance of 43 students from Ayotzinapa and the international responsibility of the Mexican State ", where aims to analyze in depth the research process carried out by the Mexican State to find the whereabouts of 43 normal student victims of crime of forced disappearance ... in order to identify the correctness, errors and omissions in each one of the actions of the State based on a binding legal order composed of both the national law and supranational law. But giving importance to determine whether or not there is an international responsibility of the Mexican State within the Inter- Human Rights.
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