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Gender-Based Violence as a Tacitly Authorized Policy. Analysis of the Order of Determination of Facts and Conduct in Macro Case 02 of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace




Sexual violence, gender violence, Special Jurisdiction for Peace, prejudice-based violence, patterns of macro criminality, transitional justice.


The article gathers the findings that the Chamber for the Recognition of Truth, Responsibility and Determination of Facts and Conduct of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace identified in terms of gender-based violence in Tumaco, Ricaurte and Barbacoas (Nariño), between 1990 and 2016, in Auto 03 of 2023, for facts attributed to the FARC-EP. In particular, the ways of understanding the policy of social and territorial control through plans that regulated gender rules are collected, which were expressed in various crimes, including gender-based persecution and sexual crimes, which were attributed to the highest commanders of the group. Based on these findings, the article points out how the Auto contributes to the debates on gender violence in transitional justice, especially in four aspects: the identification of gender violence as part of the group's policy, the construction of the pattern of macro-criminality as evidence of this implicitly authorized policy, the legal translation of discrimination based on the crime of persecution, and the attribution of responsibility to the top commanders under the figure of co-perpetration-by-means. The article concludes that these elements of the Auto should be considered a precedent in the matter for future decisions in other macro-cases, including the 11 referred to gender violence, Justice and Peace and the ordinary justice system.


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Author Biography


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How to Cite

Gender-Based Violence as a Tacitly Authorized Policy. Analysis of the Order of Determination of Facts and Conduct in Macro Case 02 of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace. (2024). Verba Luris, 52.

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