Development and implementation of a software tool that allows the graphical representation of the conceptual semantic structure (ESC) Immersed in the conceptual model of pedagogy (PC): Aimed at the faculty of educational foundations Archdiocesan Cali.


  • James Gabriel Jaramillo Zambrano
  • Carlos Gabriel Londoño



Graphic representations, Mentefact, ICT, Learning ADDPpPc


This model is the basic structural presentation of the project for the development and implementation of a graphical design tool, focused on a model representation Conceptual Pedagogy (PC), the “conceptual mentefact”. The tool is designed and developed under the ADDPpPc model (Galvis, 2001), modeled in UML and built in Java programming language, using JGraph library. Being a graphic design tool aimed at teachers, it was implemented and validated by teachers whose institutions work with the Pedagogy Conceptual model; for which a teaching sequence supported by the LMS Moodle as mainstreaming strategy was structured tool.


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How to Cite

Development and implementation of a software tool that allows the graphical representation of the conceptual semantic structure (ESC) Immersed in the conceptual model of pedagogy (PC): Aimed at the faculty of educational foundations Archdiocesan Cali. (2019). Journal of Engineering, Innovation and Development, 1(1), 35-42.