Constitutional Court, Jurisprudence, Precautionary PrincipleAbstract
The precautionary principle from the perspective of the Constitutional Court, responds to the uncertainty of a possible risk that may cause a certain activity. It is pertinent to analyze the development in constitutional jurisprudence to extract the baselines that have determined the development of the precautionary principle since the issuance of the 1991 constitution. The research was developed under the bibliographic method, for which the collection and analysis was used from jurisprudential, doctrinal and legislative sources, consulting databases, in order to reach a series of general conclusions through a previous analysis. The Constitutional Court has developed five jurisprudential lines that conceive the precautionary principle as a norm compatible with Colombian national law; as a rule that empowers the authorities to act; as a rule applicable by judges to impose duties on authorities and individuals; as an interpretive rule; and, as a rule of probation. Constitutional jurisprudence has evolved in the sense that it extends the scope of the precautionary principle by constructing theses at the forefront of human activity and the risks that this generates
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9. Constitución Política de Colombia, Ley 99 de 1993
10. Constitución Política de Colombia, Ley 164 de 1994
11. Constitución Política de Colombia, Ley 740 de 2002
12. Constitución Política de Colombia, Ley 685 de 2001
13. Sentencia C-528 de 1994. MP Fabio Morón Díaz
14. Sentencia C-073 de 1995 MP Eduardo Cifuentes Muñoz
15. Sentencia C-671 de 2001 MP Jaime Araujo Rentería
16. Sentencia C-293 de 2002, MP Alfredo Beltrán Sierra
17. Sentencia C-339 de 2002 MP Jaime Araujo Rentería
18. Sentencia T-299 de 2008 MP Jaime Córdoba Triviño
19. Sentencia C-703 de 2010 MP Gabriel Eduardo Mendoza Martelo
20. Sentencia T-360 de 2010 MP Nilson Pinilla Pinilla
21. Sentencia T-1002 de 2010. MP Juan Carlos Henao Pérez
22. Sentencia C-703 de 2010 MP Gabriel Eduardo Mendoza Martelo
23. Sentencia C-595 de 2010 MP Jorge Iván Palacio Palacio
24. Sentencia C-222 de 2011 MP Gabriel Eduardo Mendoza Martelo
25. Sentencia C-502 de 2012 MP Adriana María Guillen Arango
26. Sentencia T-1077 de 2012 MP Jorge Ignacio Pretelt Chaljub
27. Sentencia T-104 de 2012 MP Nilson Pinilla Pinilla
28. Sentencia T-154 de 2013 (MP Nilson Pinilla Pinilla
29. Sentencia T-397 de 2014 MP Jorge Iván Palacio Palacio
30. Sentencia T- 672 de 2014 MP Jorge Iván Palacio Palacio
31. Sentencia T-806 de 2014 MP Jorge Iván Palacio Palacio
32. Sentencia C-166 de 2015 MP Gloria Stella Ortiz Delgado
33. Sentencia C-583 de 2015 MP Gloria Stella Ortiz Delgado
34. Sentencia C-449 de 2015 MP Jorge Iván Palacio Palacio
35. Sentencia T-080 de 2015 MP Jorge Iván Palacio Palacio
36. Sentencia T-622 de 2016 MP Jorge Iván Palacio Palacio
37. Sentencia C-035 de 2016 MP Gloria Estella Ortiz Delgado
38. Sentencia T-139 de 2016 MP Jorge Iván Palacio Palacio
39. Sentencia C-644 de 2017 MP Diana Fajardo Rivera