Tensions between the concession contract and public-private partnerships for the provision of public lighting service


  • Felipe Heras Montes Universidad Libre Barranquilla
  • Sindy Bolaño Figueroa Universidad Libre Barranquilla




Concession, , public-private partnership, public lighting, essential public service


The purpose of this paper is to identify the emerging tensions between the concession contracts complemented by the configuration of public-private partnerships and the provision of the essential public service of lighting, the foregoing in the understanding that the emergence of this type of associations in the interior of the Colombian society gender to strengthen the intimacy between the public and private sectors, allowing an investment of the latter on the services provided by the former and the equitable distribution of the risk generated by these operations.

 For this reason the present work will perform an analysis of the aforementioned problem obeying the following structure, first of all the concession contract and its purposes within the legal system will be conceptualized Colombian, followed by this will define public-private partnerships, their objective as a complement to the  concession contracts and the purposes pursued by them and finally the emerging problem will be described as a consequence of the management of public lighting through these legal figures.


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